2021年6月21日 星期一


徒28:2 土人看待我們,有非常的情分;因為當時下雨,天氣又冷,就生火接待我們眾人。

>> 我人生中有幾次短暫流浪,一次是在美國波士頓三個月,理由很可笑,是為了「逃離上帝的管轄」,當然沒辦到,還被上帝深入管轄。... 後來有間華人教會「麻省華人福音堂」接納了我,主任牧師何若珍載我到一個失業人團契,周末也參加一個華人團契,裡面許多都是名校畢業,但幾乎也都失業,因為那時剛經歷911,許多華人都優先被資遣。我是一畢業就失業。印象很深是何牧師有次招待我吃吃到飽,就只有他和我,所以有很多的深談,真是身心靈滿足。回台之後跟他們斷了聯繫,但在十年後,我突然在gmail收到一封來信,應該是牧師找同工討論事情,但不小心寄給我。這是個美麗的錯誤,因為十年前我還沒有gmail帳號,也不知道信件是怎麼進來的。

2011/1/18 rou-jen ho

Dear All:
Due to the weather condition today, prayer meeting this evening will be cancelled.
Minister Chin will send out this weeks prayer requests later.  If you would like to add prayer request, please respond to this email with "reply to all". 
Keep warm and move slowly


Dear Pastor Ho,

How are you? I suddenly received this message from you (even though I don't think I'm in your email list ^^)

I was a member of CGCM from 2002/1 to /2002/3 . You were the nice driver for me to another church's fellowship which
is for people who look for jobs; and you treated me a dinner. I always want to thank you, but I forgot your name and
the church's whole name after few years.

Thank God that He uses His way to let me reconnect with you. ^^

Now, I have a little kid and a very wonderful wife; and she is pregnant again!

I attach a recent photo for you, and you may remind who I am.

I am in Hsinchu, Taiwan now. I belong to 新竹北門聖教會 ( www.nghcc.org.tw )

I hope we may meet each other someday!

Best Regards,

許宏志 James Hsu

後來收到他回信,雖然把名字寫錯,但這是犯大部分的人的錯 哈哈

Dear 志宏:
God works in mysterious ways to make sure wonderful things happen.  I remember you indeed.  Thanks for the photo though.  It is good to see you are doing so well.  If you want to keep in touch with the church, you can always visit the church at http://www.cgcm.org


Dear Pastor Ho,

Thank God. BTW, my name is 宏志 not 志宏 ^^

God listens to my prayers! That's why we may get in touch again.

I'll tell you more later on. Thanks a lot!!!

Best Regards,
許宏志 James Hsu

Hi, 宏志:
Sorry about that.  It's a sign of aging:-)  I was thinking 宏志,and then typed志宏without even realizing it.  You probably know XYZ also,he was looking for job as you did the same time.  He is doing pretty  well also, and had serve a four-year term as a deacon for evangelism.
I am very happy to know that you now belong to a church in 新竹。If my schedule allows when I go back to Taiwan, I will come visit you --will email you before I do. 
Keep in touch



