2019年3月20日 星期三

詩30:11 你已將我的哀哭變為跳舞,將我的麻衣脫去,給我披上喜樂,

詩105:4 要尋求耶和華與他的能力,時常尋求他的面。

詩105:12 當時,他們人丁有限,數目稀少,並且在那地為寄居的。


代下20:9 倘有禍患臨到我們,或刀兵災殃,或瘟疫饑荒,我們在急難的時候,站在這殿前向你呼求,你必垂聽而拯救,因為你的名在這殿裡。

代下20:12 我們的神啊,你不懲罰他們嗎﹖因為我們無力抵擋這來攻擊我們的大軍,我們也不知道怎樣行,我們的眼目單仰望你。

代下20:15 他說:猶大眾人、耶路撒冷的居民,和約沙法王,你們請聽。耶和華對你們如此說:不要因這大軍恐懼驚惶;因為勝敗不在乎你們,乃在乎神。

詩84:6 他們經過流淚谷,叫這谷變為泉源之地;並有秋雨之福蓋滿了全谷。

詩30:11 你已將我的哀哭變為跳舞,將我的麻衣脫去,給我披上喜樂,

So the Lord God said to the snake: “Because of what you have done, you will be the only animal to suffer this curse— For as long as you live, you will crawl on your stomach and eat dirt.
Genesis 3:14 CEV

Your food will be plants, but the ground will produce thorns and thistles.
Genesis 3:18 CEV

Then God put winged creatures at the entrance to the garden and a flaming, flashing sword to guard the way to the life-giving tree.
Genesis 3:24 CEV

When you try to farm the land, it won't produce anything for you. From now on, you'll be without a home, and you'll spend the rest of your life wandering from place to place.
Genesis 4:12 CEV

