2019年10月17日 星期四

我的幫助 從造天地的耶和華而來。My help comes from the Lord , who made heaven and earth!

希伯來書 7:25 CUNP
Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf.
Hebrews 7:25 NLT

要叫他們尋求上帝,或者可以揣摩而得,其實他離我們各人不遠; 我們生活、動作、存留,都在乎他。就如你們作詩的,有人說:『我們也是他所生的。』
使徒行傳 17:27‭-‬28 CUNP
“His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us. For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’
Acts of the Apostles 17:27‭-‬28 NLT

你這受困苦、被風飄蕩不得安慰的人哪, 我必以彩色安置你的石頭, 以藍寶石立定你的根基;  又以紅寶石造你的女牆, 以紅玉造你的城門, 以寶石造你四圍的邊界 。  你的兒女都要受耶和華的教訓; 你的兒女必大享平安。  你必因公義得堅立, 必遠離欺壓,不致害怕; 你必遠離驚嚇,驚嚇必不臨近你。
以賽亞書 54:11‭-‬14 CUNP
O storm-battered city, troubled and desolate! I will rebuild you with precious jewels and make your foundations from lapis lazuli. I will make your towers of sparkling rubies, your gates of shining gems, and your walls of precious stones. I will teach all your children, and they will enjoy great peace. You will be secure under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away. You will live in peace, and terror will not come near.
Isaiah 54:11‭-‬14 NLT

我的幫助 從造天地的耶和華而來。
詩篇 121:2 CUNP
My help comes from the Lord , who made heaven and earth!
Psalms 121:2 NLT

摩西 對百姓說:「不要懼怕,只管站住!看耶和華今天向你們所要施行的救恩。因為,你們今天所看見的 埃及 人必永遠不再看見了。 耶和華必為你們爭戰;你們只管靜默,不要作聲。」
出埃及記 14:13‭-‬14
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
Exodus 14:13‭-‬14 NLT

