2019年10月2日 星期三

哭泣懇求 He wept and pleaded for a blessing from him.

太19:20 那少年人說:這一切我都遵守了,還缺少什麼呢﹖
太19:21 耶穌說:你若願意作完全人,可去變賣你所有的,分給窮人,就必有財寶在天上;你還要來跟從我。
'I’ve obeyed all these commandments,' the young man replied. 'What else must I do?' Jesus told him, 'If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.'
Matthew 19:20-21

何12:3 他在腹中抓住哥哥的腳跟,壯年的時候與神較力,
何12:4-5 與天使較力,並且得勝,哭泣懇求,在伯特利遇見耶和華。耶和華─萬軍之神在那裡曉諭我們以色列人;耶和華是他可記念的名。
何12:6 所以你當歸向你的神,謹守仁愛、公平,常常等候你的神。
Even in the womb, Jacob struggled with his brother; when he became a man, he even fought with God. Yes, he wrestled with the angel and won. He wept and pleaded for a blessing from him. There at Bethel he met God face to face, and God spoke to him — the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, the Lord is his name! So now, come back to your God. Act with love and justice, and always depend on him.
Hosea 12:3-6

詩62:10 不要仗勢欺人,也不要因搶奪而驕傲;若財寶加增,不要放在心上。
詩62:11 神說了一次、兩次,我都聽見:就是能力都屬乎神。
Don’t make your living by extortion or put your hope in stealing. And if your wealth increases, don’t make it the center of your life. God has spoken plainly, and I have heard it many times: Power, O God, belongs to you;
Psalms 62:10-11

