2019年8月24日 星期六

你們要將一切的憂慮卸給神,因為他顧念你們。Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

彼前5:7 你們要將一切的憂慮卸給神,因為他顧念你們。
'Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.'
1 Peter 5:7

詩103:4 他救贖你的命脫離死亡,以仁愛和慈悲為你的冠冕。
'He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.'
Psalms 103:4

詩103:17 但耶和華的慈愛歸於敬畏他的人,從亙古到永遠;他的公義也歸於子子孫孫
詩103:18 就是那些遵守他的約、記念他的訓詞而遵行的人。
'But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments!'
Psalms 103:17-18

尼13:22 我吩咐利未人潔淨自己,來守城門,使安息日為聖。我的神啊,求你因這事記念我,照你的大慈愛憐恤我。
'Then I commanded the Levites to purify themselves and to guard the gates in order to preserve the holiness of the Sabbath. Remember this good deed also, O my God! Have compassion on me according to your great and unfailing love.'
Nehemiah 13:22

路6:5 又對他們說:人子是安息日的主。
'And Jesus added, “The Son of Man is Lord, even over the Sabbath.”'
Luke 6:5

